DRIBL User Guide
This guide consists of the following steps and is applicable for Players, Supporters, and Team Managers.
Step 1: How to download the app
Step 2: Setting up your account
Step 3: Personalising your Dribl experience
Step 4: Following Teams & Leagues
Step 5: Match Sheets
You can download a PDF copy of this guide here, or you can follow the instructions on this page.
Should you have any problems with access or the use of DRIBL, please email secretary@brooklynsoccer.org.au or give us a call on 0419 696 239.
Dribl has replaced the MyClubmate system for season 2022. All team managers will be required to download the Dribl app to prepare and submit match cards and to record results.
Step 1: Download the Dribl app on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store
Apple App Store - https://apps.apple.com/au/app/dribl/id1555038633
Google Play Store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dribl.app
Step 2: Setting up your account
Click on ‘Sign Up’
Enter your email address & click next (email must be the same that your registered with in PlayFootball)
Create a password
Enter the 4 digit verification code that will be sent to your email address
Upon sign in, select ‘allow notifications' to receive updates for fixture changes (i.e. wet weather)

Step 3: Personalising your Dribl experience
Select ‘Profile’, then click on the 'Next' button. There might be more than 1 profile if more than 1 member are linked to your email address.
Verify your name, then click on the 'Next' button.
Verify your DOB, then click on the 'Next' button.
Click on the 'Finish' button to finalise your account.

Step 4: Following Teams & Leagues (Players, Managers, Parents)
Click on the 'Star' icon (‘Following’) to follow your team and/or league
Select ‘Add a Team’
Select ‘Northern Suburbs Football Association’
Select your Club i.e. Brooklyn United Soccer Club
Select your team (Tip - you might need to use the search icon to find your team. Click on the magnifying glass to search for the specific Team)
Followed teams will now appear in 'Following' and in ‘My Hub’.

Step 5: Match Sheets (Team Managers Only)
Selecting the team will display upcoming matches.
Click on the match to view match preview and match sheet
Click on the ‘Match Sheet’ tab to prepare match card
Team managers are required to select players that are playing, confirm opposition match card and record post game score.
For detailed videos on how to use the Dribl match sheet please see link below;